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Deposit Apply Admission and AidAt St. John’s University, you can have it all: a Catholic and Vincentian education that broadens your mind, the chance to serve your community, the resources and excitement of New York City and our global locations, and the support and network you need for success.
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On May 29, 2023, President Gempesaw released a statement expressing solidarity with victims of injustice. In the communication he made clear we must rise above hatred and violence and work towards greater understanding and compassion for one another. Today, we the senior leaders of St. John’s University write to express our commitment to antiracism and share the steps we are taking to actualize President Gempesaw’s words.
Why stop at making your mark? At St. John’s, you help make the world a better place. We create opportunities for students to gain inspiration from their individual faith traditions by volunteering, fighting injustice, and serving those in need.
A St. John’s education gives you limitless opportunities to broaden your mind, be inspired, and discover your place in the world.
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A founding member of the BIG EAST, St. John’s has a proud athletics history that dates back to 1907.
At St. John's, you have endless opportunities to discover what inspires you.
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